2025-2026 Scholarship Information Coming Soon!
Emanuel is proud to maintain scholarship endowment funds. How blessed Emanuel has been to benefit from the generosity of the scholarship fund donors who left gifts that would positively impact the lives of so many Emanuel people!
All Church Scholarship applicants must complete this application and follow other specific guidelines listed below.
Online Application Deadline, except otherwise noted, is midnight, June 30, 2024. No exceptions to the deadline. Applicants will be notified by August 20, 2024 about the status of their award.
All Specialty and Camp Scholarships are granted throughout the year as long as funds are available. All Specialty Scholarship applicants are encouraged to apply by the June 30, 2024 deadline if possible as funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis following the June 30th deadline. Camp Scholarships are available for Emanuel Lutheran Church youth prior to attending Camp Calumet, so apply online as early as you determine the dates you will attend.
A video guide to the scholarship application process is available on YouTube.
For questions contact Rosie Vojtek at 860-965-8882 (call or text) or rvojtek@edovation.org or Bob Vojtek at 860-221-8872 (call or text) or bvojtek@edovation.org. Be sure to put Emanuel Scholarships in the subject area.
Academic Scholarships
Oscar & Louise Modeen Scholarship
By far Emanuel’s largest scholarship fund. It was established through the generosity of Oscar and Louise Modeen in 1956. The awards vary year to year based on the number of applicants and the amounts of funds available.
Applicants: General Education (undergraduate, 4-year college). Must be members of Emanuel Lutheran Church in good standing with a GPA of 2.5 or above, and provide documentation of at least 10 hours of service to Emanuel Lutheran Church or approval for service hours at a worshiping Church while away attending school.
Purpose: To be used in the furthering of the college education for student members in good standing who are attending a 4-year college, full time for all semesters in the 2024-2025 academic year.
Application Process: Applicants must complete the online application which includes submitting a: letter or video; latest school transcript; Modeen Scholar Acknowledgement form; and Completed Modeen Service Hour Confirmation form. In addition, applicants must have communed and contributed financially as an individual during the previous year as an Emanuel Lutheran Church member. Applicants should also pay attention to the Modeen Checklist for other specified requirements (see below).
Download the Modeen Scholarship Checklist and read the entire document for Application Requirements
2024-2025 Modeen Scholarship Directions
2024-2025 Checklist for Modeen Scholarship
2024-2025 Scholarship Application
2024-2025 Modeen Scholar Acknowledgement
2024-2025 Completed Modeen Service Hour Confirmation Form
Ernest & Laura Wignall Scholarship
This fund was established in 2002 by Mr. Wignall in memory of his wife Laura for the purpose of assisting active and participating members of Emanuel enrolled in a Bachelor degree program.
The Wignall Scholarship is now being administered by The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. Visit their website beginning in September of each year for application information and deadlines
Application Deadline:
For the 2024-2025 academic year, the application deadline has passed.
This is a needs-based scholarship for General Education (undergraduate, 4-year college) members.
To be used in the furthering of the academic aspirations for active and participating members of Emanuel.
Philip & Gertrude Nestor Scholarship
Grants from this fund are made possible through the thoughtfulness of Philip and Gertrude Nestor who presented the church with a financial gift to help Emanuel’s college students. The purpose of this scholarship is to help offset book and ancillary college expenses.
Applicants: Graduating College Seniors at the beginning of their senior year.
Application Process for 2024: Applicants must complete Sections 2 and 3 on the Scholarship Application.
John & Alma Olson Jacobson Scholarship
Presented to Emanuel by the Estate of John and Alma Olson Jacobson in 1997, this fund is intended to be used for deserving members pursuing a college education. Scholarships are based on financial need and vary in size. The amounts of each financial award will be determined based on the need, the number of applicants, and available funds.
Applicants: Emanuel Lutheran Church youth, general college or university, needing financial assistance
Purpose: To be used in the furthering of the college education of deserving members of the congregation in need of financial assistance. Since the inception, earnings have been available as a supplemental source where needs exist above that provided for by the Modeen Scholarship.
Application Process for 2024: Applicants must complete the Scholarship Application, provide a copy of their transcript, and upload a 1-page letter or 1-2 minute video explaining their financial need and how this funding will help them further their education.
Community Scholarships
The Sven and Fern Carlson Scholarship
The Sven and Fern Carlson Scholarship Fund was established in 2007. It is needs-based and provides funding to assist neighborhood youth in furthering their college education.
Applicants: Neighborhood Youth, especially Frog Hollow, Hartford in pursuing undergraduate education at either a two or four year college or university. Students must be enrolled full-time for the academic year.
Application Process: Applicants must complete the Scholarship Application, provide a copy of their transcript, and upload a 1-page letter or 1-2 minute video explaining their financial need and how this funding will help them further their education.
The Judy Johnson Scholarship
The Judy Johnson Scholarship was established in 2024 to honor Judy Johnson for her work with the Friday Night Youth Program at Emanuel Lutheran Church. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist neighborhood youth, especially those from the local Frog Hollow, Hartford neighborhood and Emanuel Lutheran Church youth with financial needs.
Applicants: Neighborhood youth, especially those from Frog Hollow, Hartford, and Emanuel Lutheran Church Youth with financial needs who will be attending a post high school technical school, community college or 4-year college/university.
Application Process for 2023: Applicants must complete the Scholarship Application, provide a copy of their transcript, and upload a 1-page letter or 1-2 minute video explaining their financial need and how this funding will help them further their education.
Post Graduate Scholarships
Elizabeth Jacobson Scholarship
Established in 1987 as a general education scholarship. This fund has typically been made available for educational pursuits beyond undergraduate degrees including educational projects or professional skill development.
Applicants: Emanuel Lutheran Church members, post-graduate work, with no major specifications.
Application Process: Applicants must complete the Scholarship Application, provide a copy of their latest transcript, and upload a 1-page letter or 1-2 minute video explaining their financial need and how this funding will help them further their education.
Specialized Scholarships
John Eric Johnson Graduate Ministerial Scholarship
Established in 1979 by the provisions of the will of John Eric Johnson, this fund is used to support Emanuel members and staff in pursuit of graduate education in specialized service to the church in areas including; chaplaincy, gospel ministry, parish education, music, youth ministry, communications, foreign service, social services or church administration. These scholarships support educational pursuits meeting the criteria.
Applicant: Emanuel Lutheran Church member pursuing postgraduate education in specialized service to the church.
Application Process: Applicants must complete the Scholarship Application, upload a 1-page letter or 1-2 minute video explaining their financial need and how this funding will help them further their education. In addition they must also upload a recommendation from the Church Pastor, Director of Music, or other Church Designee. They will also explain when completing the application how they plan to share their talent and/or what they have learned from their post-graduate work with the Church Community.
The Gladys and Stanley Sandberg Staff Continuing Education Scholarship
Established by the Sandberg family in 1969 to be used to fund staff education projects including seminars and reference books.
Applicants: Emanuel Lutheran Church Staff
Application Process: Applicants must complete the Scholarship Application, upload a 1-page letter or 1-2 minute video explaining their financial need and how this funding will help them further their education. In addition they must also upload a recommendation from the Church Pastor, Director of Music, or other Church Designee. They will also explain when completing the application how they plan to share their talent and/or what they have learned from their continuing education with the Church Community.
David E. Harper Music Scholarship
The David E. Harper Music Scholarship was established in his honor to provide scholarships for elementary, middle, and high school students for the pursuit of private studies in vocal or instrumental musical arts. The purpose is to support the vocal and instrumental arts and encourage Emanuel Lutheran Church youth to share their musical talents and gifts with the congregation.
Applicant: Elementary, Middle, and High School students pursuing private vocal or instrumental musical arts.
Application Process: Applicants must complete the Scholarship Application, upload a 1-page letter or 1-2 minute video explaining their financial need and how this funding will help them further their ability to sing and/or play a musical instrument. In addition they must also upload a recommendation from the Church Pastor, Director of Music, or other Church Designee. When completing the application they will briefly explain how they plan to share their vocal or instrumental gifts and talents and/or what they have learned from private musical lessons with the Church Community.
Camp Scholarships
Liljedahl Johnson Camp Calumet Scholarship
The Liljedahl Johnson Camp Calumet Fund was established in 2015 and provides grants to each Emanuel youth attending Calumet. Parents who are registering children to attend Camp Calumet this summer are asked to contact the Church Office.
Applicant: Church youth attending Camp Calumet.
Application: Applicants must complete section 2 and section 7 of the Scholarship Application. Please submit your application as soon as you register for camp.
Camp Calumet Camperships Scholarship
This long-standing fund provides funding for Emanuel youth attending Calumet. Parents who are registering children to attend Camp Calumet this summer are asked to contact the Church Office.
Applicant: Church youth attending Camp Calumet.
Application: Applicants must complete section 2 and section 7 of the Scholarship Application.