
Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is an important ministry of every worship service held at Emanuel and relies on many members to accomplish various tasks.  Although the members work mainly behind the scenes, their commitment and dedication help to enhance and enrich the worship experience for all of us.  We would like to thank everyone who has helped in any way.

Our Flower Committee arranges the altar area with the beautiful flowers for the seasons of Easter and Christmas.  After the services each week, they, and their helpers, rearrange the altar flowers into small bouquets for delivery to homebound members or those recuperating from illness.  We encourage members of the congregation to assist in the delivery of these flowers—a short visit and a friendly face means the world to shut-ins. Stop in the Luther Hall Kitchen after the service to see where you can help.

Property Committee

The Property Committee team serves Emanuel by ensuring the grounds, buildings, and services are dutifully maintained and improved. Our volunteers comprise a small but committed group of new & old experiences, perspectives, and resources.  Together, we support Emanuel’s missions by performing maintenance and enhancements that promote an active & inviting presence for our congregation and community.

[This section is currently under construction. Stay tuned!]



Green Team
